Saturday, January 10, 2015

Developing little characters

I love to create little characters. They don't usually start out fully formed, they start as random sketches, usually while I'm on the phone or doing something else.
Over time I find myself drawing them more and more until they are infused with little personalities of their own.

In school as a child, I began drawing a puppy. I still draw him to this day. Sometimes he morphs into something else, but he shows up from time to time in my most lighthearted and comfort pieces.

Drawing him feels like a visit with an old friend. 

I've been drawing these new little guys... they have started to appear more and more. I think it's time to kind of build them out a bit so I spent some time playing with them yesterday. :) They never start out as much... but I can already see their tiny little personalities emerging.
I'll be including them in a project at some point I'm sure.

I didn't do much else yesterday, it was a snowday for my kids and that meant that we hung out and watched mindless television. :) And that's ok too! Not everyday needs to be a marathon of creativity. 

Oh, one quick note, if you post on social media, if you #whimsybykelly2015 then I can find them!
Hope you have a great day today. Make something awesome!


  1. Teaching Zentangle counts as being creative right? - Well I know I have to creative when I look at everyone's tiles and find something wonderful to say about each one. (usually that's an easy task.)

    1. That IS an easy task, but it does require a bit of creativity in how to say it sometimes!!! :) Plus, teaching is inherently creative... and one of my favorite things to do.

  2. I would absolutely say that bringing out the creative in others is being creative yourself. :-)

    Very cute puppy, Kelly. I always draw cats and in the later years owls, that's my go-to non-thinking doodles. :-)

    1. He never did get a name.. isn't that funny? I've been drawing him for 30+ years, and never a name. :) Owls huh? I love owls.... I don't think I've ever drawn one.

  3. Kelly, I love your little characters!

    My contribution for today is a set of new fun foam stamps I made.

    1. Thanks! :D I kind of want to turn them into fabric.. not sure why, but they are just screaming out to me to be made into a pillow LOL

  4. Your little guys are cute. I posted my day 10 creation.

  5. I was unable to upload the picture on my blog but did post something. I will update the picture Sunday afternoon when I get home. And an extra picture to show what I have been doing all weekend.

    1. Terri.. I can't wait to see. I'm having a bit of issue getting to your site, just fyi, you might want to check it out and make sure everything is going ok.

  6. I like your new little guys!

    1. Thanks. I have a hunch they'll be sticking around!! :D
