Friday, February 13, 2015

Snow day!

So I still have no heat. Blah. Stupid furnace... so I spent a good chunk of yesterday baking, and we have a snow day today due to extreme cold, talk about a bad combo huh?

I had to cancel tonight's Valentine's workshop due to extreme cold and cancellations. I hate that.

I haven't really created anything yet this morning... I know I'm slacking but it's just that kind of day. I'm cold and not terribly inspired, so I'll have to find something extra awesome to do in a little bit.
I'm feeling kind of inspired to paint a pair of sneakers, either Wrinkle in Time or Nightmare Before Christmas inspired, not sure which.

Because I always like to leave you with something I've created, I decided to share a bag I did at Christmas as a custom order with all of you. 
This one was challenging for me, she liked pink and sparkles and was a very girly girl princess, but also likes Doctor Who, Supernatural and Gossip Girl.
I think it turned out pretty cool! 


  1. My post links to days 41, 42, and 43. I have yet to do today's, but that is where I am heading next! I love the bag! It is perfect for all her likes! Wish I could send you some heat, lol! Guess I just have to send warm wishes - like that will do any good. We are looking at some possible winter weather next week. I am out of school for winter break now and if the weather wanted to add a few extra days vacation, well, who am I to argue?!

  2. I'm supposed to be taking it easy today. Ha!
    I created this instead.

  3. Love the bag, that was a pretty complicated request!

    I recently ordered a Silhouette Portrait die-cutting machine. I was very excited when it arrived a month ago... Sadly, it came with a dead power supply. The replacement power supply has finally arrived. My link for today shows the first silhouettes I cut, based on royalty-free clip art.

  4. I created a journal for my inchies.

  5. My link is to a project I'm working on for my painting chapter. The theme is steam punk palette. I want to add some more layers and embellishments but I have to keep the project at something they can do within two hours.

  6. It's been one of those days! I was lucky to get the finishing touches on a bookmark!
