Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"O" it's Tuesday

Cheryl over at Artful Creations runs a weekly Tuesday challenge for Tackle it Tuesday.

We are working our way through the alphabet and are on the letter O.
That means that all the tangles start with the letter O.

Here is my tile for today.

I used 
  • Onamato
  • Opus
  • Ole

Very few of the tangle patterns that start with O are ones I really like, but I did use Ole for the first time and found it to be really versatile. I think I'll use that one more.

So, we're on day 17, and as much as I am a creative person, and I really do try to work on something every day, wow.. it's hard to do it EVERY day! The guitar kind of took a lot out of me getting it done on time, so I am going to go with something really simple tomorrow I think.

So today's art prompt is:
Either do something round or circular or with the letter O.


  1. O kay! ;) Well, it's a very nice O tile! Great job!

  2. I like your tile I think I've only ever used onamato. Today was nail day - I tried out a new trick that came out pretty cool.

  3. I love it!

    Mine for today....http://kchenna.blogspot.com/2014/06/30-days-of-creativity-day-17.html?m=1
