Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 10- 1/3 of the way through the challenge so I'm giving stuff away!

Can you believe we are already 1/3 of the way through? THAT is AWESOME! Because we are already 1/3 done I am throwing in an extra giveaway today and tomorrow!
I missed having pen and paper in hand yesterday! I did put some time to good use and found something new that I'm jumping into feet first.
Here's what I did today.

There's a facebook group called Doodling Together that is built around this concept and I'm in love with the idea.(I have no affiliation other than I joined and am participating)
You get the app (yes it's an app, that's how I found it) and there is a small fee ($2 US), but one I thought was well worth it.
Each project is a larger piece that is then broken down into LOTS of other squares. You claim a square in the app, the pattern for your individual square comes right to your email, you print it out and complete it in the next day or two.
Then you upload it and it gets added into the project. How cool is that?
When it's done the final piece is available on all kinds of cool things and you have art you participated in making across the globe.

You can learn more about it here or get the app. 
IN fact.. .I'm going to give one away today and one away tomorrow from the entries on today's blog! All you have to do is submit something today and leave a note in comments that says "Enter me!"

Today's art prompt is to find something you want to jump into and do it (of if you've been waiting to start something)! No procrastinating!

Rules remain the same and this is an extra prize today... so all entries still count for prizes at the end of the month too. I'll be doing the same giveaway tomorrow as well. Tell your friends!


  1. Oups, I was up really early this morning so I used the free time it gave me to tangle a tile on yesterday's prompt (I'm doing them a day later each time because it's a little late when I get the prompt)
    Nice tile you did today, I like how you go from light to dark.
    1/3 of the way through is awesome! I'm really thrilled by the challenge, thank you again Kelly. It's a bit as if you were our coach, encouraging us on the way.
    I would say "Enter me" but it'sipad so too bad. Looks nice though.
    Have a great day

  2. This is my first RAK doodle drawing, ever. :) Seems like it would fit on this page of the challenge.

  3. 10 days and going strong.


    1. How did you get started in henna? How much time did you spend studying it? I've always been fascinated.

    2. Just doodling, it lead to henna. I have been doing it 10 years, I practice several hours a week.

  4. Thanks to rain and bad weather, I finished the cards I started the other day. Yeah! I love your tile - it is so pretty. I would love to enter your contest but it is only for ipad. I have seen this group and it is awesome. The first finished piece was beautiful. Were you a part of that? Maybe they will get it for android later on.

    1. I wasn't, I just joined last night. I did ask about android and they don't have an android version yet sadly. :(

  5. I at least got a start on something today, but didn't have time to check on what sounds like a very fun time. Will try to later in the week once things settle down. :) Have a great evening.

    1. You don't have to finish something for it to count! Good for you making time to be creative!

  6. I stopped procrastinating and finished the Zendala I've been working on :o) Thanks for the nudge to get it done :o)

  7. I've been working on a pattern step out and finished it tonight.. I did read about 'doodle together just the other day, please enter me - have a great day. I noticed last night that 2 of my works did not appear in your slideshow - I haven't missed a day but it gets confusing as we are a day in front lol - thanks Kelly

    1. Shoot me the specific links at my email Lila (Whimsybykelly@gmail.com) and I'll make sure I add the missing ones to next week. I tried to catch them all but I was afraid I was missing a couple,especially when the one linkey thing didn't cooperate properly! I want to showcase everyone's stuff!

  8. Been wanting to try my hand at art journaling - didn't get brave and try collage & all that but at least I put pen to paper.

  9. Oh I forgot ... Is it too late to be entered??
