Friday, April 24, 2015


I used to work with a wonderful man named Darren when I worked in the corporate world. It feels like a lifetime ago...
I learned a lot from him and one of the things that stuck with me was the affirmation that would be said before big events, meetings, etc.
It called out to be put on an Opus tile so I can hang it over my work area.

I'm not sure if I will add color, if I don't then it's done. 

This is my first large stacked tangle. 
I think I'm hooked. 

And as it says... 
I am excited, by what this day will bring. 

I hope you are creating something wonderful! I can't wait to see!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Today I have some embellished Gelli prints, but I have to try out some stacks!
