Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 300

Today is day 300 of the Creative Challenge.
That means 300 out of 365. We are in the home stretch! How did that happen?
That makes today special. I'm so happy you all have participated with me so far!

I had come up with a number of things and couldn't decide on what to share so instead I wanted to share an idea.

Flood the streets with Art.
It's an event, and I'll let you check it out on your own....

I'd love it if you participated in that event on Black Friday and today, I'd love it if you took the opportunity to practice and did a random act of art!
Just take a piece and share it somewhere!

It's a pretty awesome feeling, if you don't want to random act of art, then maybe a random act of kindness?

1 comment:

  1. I love the art abandonment concept, I'm a member of a group on Facebook, but I hadn't gotten around to doing any. I haven't been able to get out today, but I will do some this week for sure. Thanks for the suggestion!
