Saturday, June 6, 2015

Happy Saturday!

Good morning! Happy Saturday!
Yesterday was a big day at my house, my daughter went to prom, my son had 8th grade moving up day and it was also the start of Niagara Falls Comic Con which is a huge thing for the kids. In fact, I completed my first creative thing this morning before I'd even had my first cup of tea. It's super important to always remember to do what makes you happy, even if other people might roll their eyes at it.... and to encourage those you do the same.

Speaking of which... My eldest minion woke up and had me draw the symbol from Supernatural on her for her cosplay today. She's going as a female version of Dean Winchester.
(We're super nerdy. You can see my Wonder Woman apron hanging in the background too. LOL)

She's currently trying to figure out if she needs to decide between Basics of thermoplastics and Costume design & Prop making or if she can make it to both.
I need more tea. LOL
So while they are off to Comic Con...
 I need to prep for Coloring with Cocktails tonight and that's pretty much my day.

Hope yours is awesome!

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