Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Let's call this "Vacation mode"

I'm going to be honest. I'm being a bit of a slacker. This year has started out cold out and I had a flood in the studio and really with me wanting to be super cozy and lay around in my PJs and not do much.
Not productive. I know. Not creative, I know. But... I'm almost done hibernating.
I'm working on some plans for this year and I think I'm just ok with taking the week off. I didn't realize that posting 365 days in a row was as much work as it was LOL and I really want this year to be full of cool things so I'm planning out my challenges.

I am going to post my giveaway next week too... so I just wanted to let you know, I haven't disappeared. :) I'm still here.. just being a bit of a bum for a few days while I figure out how to go from posting daily to what my new plan is.
I am still making stuff every day! I hope you are too!


  1. I hate when people beat themselves up for taking a 'lazy' pajama day. Recharging is productive. It may be different than what we normally think of as productive, and not have any tangible results you can show others, but body and soul need days like this too. Don't worry about posting every day, do what you need to do so you don't burn yourself out!

  2. I agree with the above comment. The modern world has disconnected us with our natural cycles in so many ways; rest/work cycles being just one (of many). I had a professor on the subject of art education ask, "If a student spends an entire class sitting and staring at a blank paper or canvas, how do you know that they are not working?"
