Sunday, July 6, 2014

Have you heard of The Rainbow Elephant? You have now!

I ask because I had seen some stuff around, in fact I actually purchased her mandala templates but hadn't really played with them until recently. (There will be pictures. I promise) and then I saw a link and really dug into what was there.

Well, she's got some great stuff going on over there, so you should check it out.
She has 3 "Mandala Starter" templates for download on her site.
Anyway... this is one I started a few days ago and just didn't have the time to complete until this morning. I have to say I LOVED working on this one though. In fact, I did something I really don't do very often. I printed two copies so that I can do it again differently!
It's from The Rainbow Elephant it's a "starter template" so you add your own stuff to it.. which is great, because I'm just really learning the art of creating my own, so this was a wonderful in between and her lines are just beautiful. Anyway.. here is the link, my completed version and it's my first attempt with a watermark because sadly I've had some problems.
Please make sure that when you are inspired by an artist that you credit them, and please don't ever blatantly steal from them. Whether they are using it as a means of revenue or not, it's upsetting.
Anyhow... The Rainbow Elephant!

This template to download
Here is my work in progress on it.

And here is my completed.

Now to break out those directions to make my own.... 

(I receive no compensation for any of the stuff I talk about on my blog. If I ever do, I promise to share that info!)


  1. I love Rainbow elephant! She had a lot of patterns too that are good!

  2. Oh Wowsa! Your mandala came out so awesome. I love those orbs! Great shadowing too.

    Thank you for sharing my blog name with others and thanks to Mary Petty for the kind comments as well.

    Hugs to all!
    ~Cindy (from the Rainbow Elephant)

  3. Rainbow Elephant has so many great things... Templates, tutorials, patterns. It's a wealth of art inspiration!!! I live your Mandala and look forward to seeing more!

  4. Love your mandala!! Amazing job!
